DataStructure Stack
Zhejiang University
How to make computer understand the priority of calculating?
Nifix Expression is what we are customed to use. But Postfix Expression is easier for a computer to understand. We need a structure to store numbers and operators in order and get them out in the reverse order.
Eg:6 2 / 3 - 4 2 * +
store 6->store 2->6 2 out and divide store 3 in-> store 3->3 3 out and minus store 0 in……
Properties of Stack
It is a limited linear table.
Push an ...
DataStructure Linked List
Zhe Jiang University
Target: Find the sum and the product of 2 polynomials.
Data Structure
123456typedef struct PolyNode *Polynomial;struct PolyNode{ int coef; int expon; Polynomial link;};
Structure of the program
12345678Polynomial P1, P2, PP, PS;P1 = ReadPoly();P2 = ReadPoly();PP = Multi(P1, P2);PrintPoly(PP);PS = Add(P1, P2);PrintPoly(PS);
Some New Ideas
If you want to pass in a variable and let the function change it, you have to pass in a more ‘fundamental’ thing ...
Third Post
This post is just for test.
There seems to be something wrong with the preview function on the home page.
I will see if there is something wrong.
developer TC
A Quick Start of Markdown
This Markdown cheat sheet provides a quick overview of all the Markdown syntax elements. It can’t cover every edge case, so if you need more information about any of these elements, refer to our reference guides for basic syntax and extended syntax.
Basic Syntax
These are the elements outlined in John Gruber’s original design document. All Markdown applications support these elements.
Element Markdown Syntax
The more # you get, the smaller the heading will be.
#H1 ##H2 ###H3
First Post
This is my first Blog.
Let’s celebrate and enjoy this site!
I have just cleared the database!
Welcome and share something interesting!
developer tctco