DataStructure Isomorphism of Trees
Zhejiang University
Understanding of the Puzzle
We simply regard the trees as the same as long as they have the same children for every node.
Divide and Conquer
The representation of a binary tree
Build a Binary Tree
Judge whether they are Isomers.
Representing a Binary Tree
Static Linked List: A Special Array.
Structure of the Program
12345678BinTree Build();bool Judge();int main(){ Build tree1; Build tree2; Judge isomers; return 0;}
Design the Functions
12345678#define ...
DataStructure Graph Traversal
Zhejiang University
DFS(Depth First Search)
1234567void DFS(Vertex V){ visited[V] = true; for(each adjacent vertex w){ if(!visited[w]) DFS(w); }}
Adjacent List: O(N+E)O(N+E)O(N+E)
Adjacent Matrix: O(N2)O(N^2)O(N2)
BFS(Breadth First Search)
1234567891011void BFS(Vertex V){ visited[V] = true; Enqueue(V, Q); while(!IsEmpty(Q)){ V = Dequeue(Q); for(each adjacent vertex W of V) if(!visited[V]){ ...
DataStructure Graph
Zhejiang University
It is used to represent a many-to-many relationship.
It is so powerful because it includes both linear lists(one to one) and trees(one to many).
Vertex(V): the set of all vertexes.
Edge: the set of all sides.
(v, w). Double directions.
. From v to w (single direction).
No multiple edges or multiple loops.
A Quick Review: Definition of Abstract Data Type
Name: Graph
DataSet: G(V, E). V is Nonempty E is limited.
Operation Set
Graph Create()
Graph Insert ...
DataStructure Set
Zhejiang University
There are some basic operations about sets. Eg: Union, Intersection, Set Difference…
Union-Find Set
Problem: There are n nodes. Some of them are connected. How do we know whether arbitrary 2 of them are connected?
Answer: Make n sets to include n nodes. Then union those connected. Find whether 2 given nodes are in the same set.
Creating Union-Find Set
How to Store a Set?
Tree. The root will be a set. Each node will be an element.
Parental Representation: The ...
DataStructure Huffman Tree
Zhejiang University
Huffman Tree
Question: How can we fit a 100 mark test into a 5 standards judging system?
We need to carefully arrange our if clauses in accordance with the frequency of the actual result. (Decision Tree)
Cost: ∑ratio×layers\sum\rm ratio\times layers∑ratio×layers
Weighed Path Length: A binary tree with n nodes with weight w. The distance between root and each leaf is l. Then the WPL for each leaf node will be
WPL=∑i=1nwklkWPL = \sum_{i=1}^nw_kl_k
DataStructure Heap
Zhejiang University
What is heap?
When a computer is doing many things at the same time, different tasks will have different priorities.
Thus we have a special data structure: Priority Queue.
Creating a heap
We need 2 functions: insert and delete
difficult to delete a element
linked list
Ordered Array
difficult to insert
Ordered linked list
Tree has some great characteristics in realizing heap. The insert process is related to the height of a tree while the delete proces ...
DataStructure Tree Application
Zhejiang University
Binary Search Tree (BST)
Left subTrees’s values are smaller than their roots
Right subTrees’s values are larger than their roots
Left and Right subTrees are all BSTs
Position Find(ElementType X, BinTree BST)
Position FindMin(BinTree BST)
Position FindMax(BinTree BST)
BinTree Insert(ElementType X, BinTree BST)
BinTree Delete(ElementType X, BinTree BST)
123456789while(BST){ if(X > BST->Data) BST = BST->Right; els ...
DataStructure Binary Tree
Zhejiang University
Binary Tree
Degree = 2.
L and R are different.
Layer i has a maximum number of nodes 2^(i-1)
Degree = K, node sum = 2^(k-1)
For any not-null binary tree, n0 = leaf, n2 = nodes which have 2 non-leaf nodes, then n0 = n2+1
Operation Set
Boolean IsEmpty(BinTree BT)
void Traversal(BinTree BT)
BinTree CreatBinTree()
Special Binary Tree
Skewed Binary Tree
Perfect Binary T ...
DataStructure Tree
Zhejiang University
A Structure used for managing and organizing different levels of data.
A special node: Root®
The rest nodes can be divided into m nonoverlapping subsets called SubTree.
SubTrees do not overlap.
Every Node has one parent except r.
A tree with N nodes has N-1 sides.
Degree: The number of SubTrees for a Node.
Degree of a Tree: The maximum Degree for all nodes of a tree.
Path and the Distance of Path: From Node n1 to Node nk, t ...
DataStructure Queue
Zhejiang University
A restricted linear table.
Queue and Round-robin Queue
Operation Set
Queue CreateQueue(int Maxsize)
int IsFull(Queue Q, int MaxSize)
void AddQ(Queue Q, ElementType item)
int IsEmpty(Queue Q)
ElementType DeleteQ(Queue Q)
front(begins with -1)
rear(begins with -1)
Round-robin Queue
A more efficient way to make use of space.
How to tell whether a queue is full?
Why is it difficult to tell whther it is full? Wha ...